The Words That’ve Gone Unsaid

©Somewhere Else
To my great designer, thank you for being on my team! We’re often so caught up with the daily grind that these words get left unsaid. But they’re needful and I’d like that you know I appreciate you for the designer you are.
Beyond your admirable talents, it is the tenacity you bring to every project from conceptualisation to execution that I really appreciate you for. We’re both aware of how so much that goes into the final design is “invisible” to the audience. Yet you fuss over these minute details that nobody will notice— all the time you devoted to getting the kerning right and balancing the visual hierarchy, is just one of them.
You take ownership of your work boldly, always seeking empathetic solutions for our clients that actually work. Not only does this significantly improve the work we do, it motivates me as well to push our projects towards the best possible outcome. I look forward to hearing the thoughts behind your ideas, knowing that you take each of our projects as one that’s “yours”.
That said, your maturity in handling difficult feedback is something I really value too. After all, it’s your ideas, efforts, and design that’s being laid out there that the comments are addressing. But you remain perceptive and open to constructive feedback while taking harsher ones with a pinch of salt, allowing us to always push the needle.
Everyone knows that not everyday is going to be a beautiful day. Similarly, not all our projects are always fun and games; productivity on some days are just harder to achieve. But you take it all with stride. You being open with me when you’re stuck in a creative rut; or when more time is needed to overcome a challenge is something I don’t take for granted, for I know it’s not the best feeling at all to go through that especially when project deadlines don’t wait.
To wrap it up, thank you for caring about our work and looking out for me too. You have been patient and honest when project requirements cross boundaries, allowing me to manage a healthy working relationship between us and our clients. I don’t discount the many times you’ve been briefed in on tasks with a fixed deadline before the necessary materials are provided to us. I appreciate how you’re always doing an extra round of checks with our work, highlighting to me my blind spots to ensure our work exceeds expectations. It is by right, not on you, and I’d like to acknowledge that.
Eager to embark on new projects with you and bring to life all the incredible work we’ll do!
Beyond your admirable talents, it is the tenacity you bring to every project from conceptualisation to execution that I really appreciate you for. We’re both aware of how so much that goes into the final design is “invisible” to the audience. Yet you fuss over these minute details that nobody will notice— all the time you devoted to getting the kerning right and balancing the visual hierarchy, is just one of them.

You take ownership of your work boldly, always seeking empathetic solutions for our clients that actually work. Not only does this significantly improve the work we do, it motivates me as well to push our projects towards the best possible outcome. I look forward to hearing the thoughts behind your ideas, knowing that you take each of our projects as one that’s “yours”.
That said, your maturity in handling difficult feedback is something I really value too. After all, it’s your ideas, efforts, and design that’s being laid out there that the comments are addressing. But you remain perceptive and open to constructive feedback while taking harsher ones with a pinch of salt, allowing us to always push the needle.
Everyone knows that not everyday is going to be a beautiful day. Similarly, not all our projects are always fun and games; productivity on some days are just harder to achieve. But you take it all with stride. You being open with me when you’re stuck in a creative rut; or when more time is needed to overcome a challenge is something I don’t take for granted, for I know it’s not the best feeling at all to go through that especially when project deadlines don’t wait.

To wrap it up, thank you for caring about our work and looking out for me too. You have been patient and honest when project requirements cross boundaries, allowing me to manage a healthy working relationship between us and our clients. I don’t discount the many times you’ve been briefed in on tasks with a fixed deadline before the necessary materials are provided to us. I appreciate how you’re always doing an extra round of checks with our work, highlighting to me my blind spots to ensure our work exceeds expectations. It is by right, not on you, and I’d like to acknowledge that.
Eager to embark on new projects with you and bring to life all the incredible work we’ll do!