A speculative look at how a salon can become a modern day community centre.
Contributor Clarence Liu
project x: DILLY DALLY
Contributor Clarence Liu

Can conversations in the salon chair be more
than just fleeting small talk?
than just fleeting small talk?
Dillydally is a salon designed to encourage deeper social connection amongst women by centering features around community and inclusivity in an increasingly isolated and lonely world.

Before the rise of faceless salon chains, salons were neighbourhood safe spaces where women would congregate and connect. Dilly Dally seeks to bring back this spirit by tailoring to contemporary needs in a bid to foster a warm, supportive and inclusive community space.

Connecting people start with real and authentic conversations. To spark a genuine relationship between client and salon staff, Dilly Dally highlights other qualities of their staff, beyond their skills and specialties.

Before visits, customers are invited to learn more about the stylists and their interests, so they can pick someone that not only specialises in their hair type but someone they can connect better with.

Dillydally’s interior design prioritises the customer experience. From initial consultations at a coffee bar to the familiar home-furnishings, the Dillydally experience resembles that of visiting a friend’s home.

As a brand that advocates for community and social connection, the salon also seeks to support and engage isolated individuals who are homebound through creating awareness and outreach programmes by using skills they are best known for: Good quality haircuts and starting meaningful conversations.

In an increasingly lonelier world, a social and interactive place like Dillydally can help to bridge connections between people otherwise lost to social distancing measures.
In the near future, what will people need and expect from brands?Project X is an ongoing series of thought experiments by Somewhere Else.